What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
What is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide?
Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility?
The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible.
The Lord speaks to us, “I have loved you with an everlasting love!” He goes on to declare, “Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”
It is through that very love of God that His power will flow to and through us as we love, just as He has loved us!
Learn with us the characteristics of that eternal love that we have been instructed to manifest to others!