Jesus told His disciples to HEAL THE SICK and to CLEANSE THE LEPERS! Lepers asked to be CLEANSED, not healed?
Why the different words HEAL and CLEANSE?
Jesus told His disciples to HEAL THE SICK and to CLEANSE THE LEPERS! Lepers asked to be CLEANSED, not healed?
Why the different words HEAL and CLEANSE?
Jesus told His disciples to HEAL THE SICK and to CLEANSE THE LEPERS! Lepers asked to be CLEANSED, not healed?
Why the different words HEAL and CLEANSE?
Jesus told His disciples to HEAL THE SICK and to CLEANSE THE LEPERS! Lepers asked to be CLEANSED, not healed?
Why the different words HEAL and CLEANSE?
As I look at our nation, I am struck at how much the church (people) resemble those people who are “in the world (non-churched).”
Even under the Old Covenant, Moses recognized that the Presence of God distinguished Israel from all the other nations.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
As I look at our nation, I am struck at how much the church (people) resemble those people who are “in the world (non-churched).”
Even under the Old Covenant, Moses recognized that the Presence of God distinguished Israel from all the other nations.
As I look at our nation, I am struck at how much the church (people) resemble those people who are “in the world (non-churched).”
Even under the Old Covenant, Moses recognized that the Presence of God distinguished Israel from all the other nations.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
As I look at our nation, I am struck at how much the church (people) resemble those people who are “in the world (non-churched).”
Even under the Old Covenant, Moses recognized that the Presence of God distinguished Israel from all the other nations.