Home Sermons Give Me My Mountain: 04-Believing the Report and the Anointing

Give Me My Mountain: 04-Believing the Report and the Anointing

16 Feb 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 04-Believing the Report and the Anointing

Have you ever considered WHY Caleb and Joshua were able to believe the report of the Lord even after seeing the walled, cities, strong armies and even giants?  What differentiated them from the rest of the 10 spies?

Maybe understanding Caleb’s different spirit holds an answer for us!

Learn with us in this teaching what role hearing from the anointing that rests on the Word (taught or written) plays in receiving.  And equally important, the role that the anointing IN YOU as a believer plays in your hearing, we might say anointed.


More Teachings in This Series

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