Home Series Controlling Your Airspace

Controlling Your Airspace

Controlling Your Airspace

Controlling Your AirspaceThroughout history, armies sought the strategic advantage of the “high ground.”  During the 20th century, they sought to gain air superiority, in other words controlling the airspace of their enemy!

Scripture tells us clearly that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the “prince of the power of the air.”  In other words, we need to control our airspace.

Included in that domain are our thoughts, as that is the main area that the “prince of the power of the air” attacks.

In these sessions, we will see how in both the Old and New Testaments how God’s people gained a superior position over their enemy; they controlled their airspace!

In This Series
Controlling Your Airspace - Part One

During the reign of Hezekiah, the nation of Israel found itself under siege by the Assyrian army.  Not only did they surround the city, but they waged a campaign of WORDS in an attempt to control their thoughts and separate the people of Israel from their God.

Paul and Silas also found themselves in a place surrounded by gloom, doom and despair, deep in a Philippian prison.  Yet they were able to change the atmosphere (the airspace) of both the prison and their fellow prisoners.

We will learn from these accounts the strategy of our enemy to gain control of our airspace and how we too can resist the devil and maintain control of our airspace leading us to an overcoming victory!


02-Controlling Your Airspace - Part Two

Have you ever noticed that we are instructed by Paul in Ephesians that we are to stand firm against the wiles/schemes of the devil; and not against the trials nor other attacks that he may bring?   This does not mean that we do not resist in all areas, but our FIRST attention needs to be toward the attacks that come to our minds!

In this session, we will learn the importance of knowing his way of attack, his only way!  And that is to deceive and create separation from the Lord and His Word.


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