Home Sermons Healing Power Toward Me: 03-His Presence: In Glory and Power

Healing Power Toward Me: 03-His Presence: In Glory and Power

24 Jun 2021

Healing Power Toward Me: 03-His Presence: In Glory and Power

Throughout the Old Testament, we see the GLORY of GOD appearing.  It appears in a burning bush, a cloud in the sky, a cloud covering a mountain and it also “fills the temple” such that the priests could not even enter in!

  • How do you see or perceive the glory? 
  • What is the glory?
  • What is it that makes up the cloud that descended, or filled the temple?
In this session, you will learn about His Presence, The Glory and The Power!  We will see how these three impact the natural realm that we dwell in today; how it produces fulness of joy.

AND REMEMBER, THIS IS THE SAME PRESENCE THAT DWELLS IN YOU!  Should we see it manifest today as it did previously?


More Teachings in This Series

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