Home Sermons Healing Power Toward Me: 02-Believe His Power and You Will See It

Healing Power Toward Me: 02-Believe His Power and You Will See It

20 May 2021

Healing Power Toward Me: 02-Believe His Power and You Will See It

Paul declares in Romans 1 that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.  The good news about Jesus and His Cross is the power of God for our salvation.  But we need to expand our view of salvation to much more than a ticket to heaven.

Learn with us today that His power also provided for your healing!  See Jesus manifest the power of God for healing time and time again.  AND see that the Word says His Power is still available for His church today!

Believe in the power of God and you will see it!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


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