Home Sermons Praying His Will for My Life: 04-In the Fulness of God

Praying His Will for My Life: 04-In the Fulness of God

01 Apr 2020

Praying His Will for My Life: 04-In the Fulness of God

In Ephesians 3 Paul discloses to the people of Ephesus, and us, that it would not be Jesus who demonstrates God’s plan and authority on the earth; that is the church’s, our purpose here on earth.

This prayer again focuses on our spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, for us to become strengthened in this inner man.  He is praying that we would be rooted and grounded in His love, from which all of His goodness flows. And also for us to be filled, you and I, with the fulness of God.


  • Me, knowing His love, which is beyond knowledge?
  • Me, filled with the fulness of God?
  • And me, display the glory of God on this earth? 
How can this possibly be?

The answers are in this prayer in Ephesians 3.

High Point Church, Wednesday Evening, Macon, GA


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