Home Series Miracles – The Same and Greater

Miracles – The Same and Greater

Miracles – The Same and Greater

Have you ever imagined what it was like watching Jesus, His disciples and those in the early church living and witnessing a lifestyle of God’s power working miracles through their hands?  I began to ponder what it must have been like to walk in their sandals.

We know it was God’s will to work miracles through Jesus, and yet Jesus talked about His followers doing the same and even greater works.  Jesus said He only did what He saw the Father do? And I…

In this study, we will look at those through whom God’s power flowed with signs and wonders.  We will examine the character, the faith, the obedience, and other elements of their lives to see how they positioned themselves to be used in the Kingdom.  And we will see that those elements are the same instructions we have in God’s Word.

Jesus said it was possible for the same and greater works to be done through our hands today…it’s time!

In This Series
01-Power that Makes Possible

Did the ax head really swim or float up?  Can you believe something that you don’t understand?  Or have faith in something you can’t see with your physical eyes?

Do you believe in miracles?

As Christians we must believe in miracles; the Gospel is about the miraculous.

Miracles result when the power of God makes possible something that is impossible with man.  Has the age for miracles passed or are we still in the church age where God expects His power to be displayed through His people.  The Bible answers these questions directly.  Be encouraged, the events in the book of Acts took place because believers obeyed God and ACTED.

Today – same God, same Holy Spirit, same results if believers obey God and ACT.


02-The Same and Greater, REALLY?

Jesus said just prior to the cross that those who believe in Him would do the same and greater works than He did.  If we believe Jesus, then we must believe these, His words.  He said we would.

How did Jesus do such marvelous works as a man?  If you could ask Jesus how He did such works what would He say?  This I know for certain, it would not disagree with anything He told us in His Word.  This is what we will study in this session.


03-His Disciples Did His Work

If you were to ask the disciples how they did the miracles, what would they say?  Their answer would be just like Jesus who said, “…the Father who dwells in Me who does the works.”

In this session, we will begin a study of the lives of these men who received power as the Holy Spirit came on them.  The same Holy Spirit came to them as He came to Jesus.  And He is the same today.


04-It is My Time

Does the Word of God state that the time of miracles came to an end?  Acts 1:1 talks about all Jesus began to do and teach, but where is the reference that He quit doing?  Are we part of the same church of Jesus Christ?  Is the Holy Spirit the same today as He was in the church in the book of Acts?

This study will address these questions and more as we learn that the charge to believers in the last chapter of John is our mandate today.

It is my time.


05-How Miracles Come - Part One

How do I get my miracle?  How do miracles come?  The Word of God provides an account of Jesus’s first miracle which gives us insight into obtaining the miracle we need.

This session will examine the account of water turned into wine to learn our part in seeing miracles manifest.  It will also examine the tendencies which hinder us from receiving.


06-How Miracles come - Part Two

Ever felt pressured to perform?  As if you are the one doing the works?  That is the enemy’s plan.  But when we get the revelation of what God’s Word says about us and the authority we have, those deceptions will fall to the ground.

You will see in this session that you have been anointed to be His witness and given the authority to act in His name.

Thank you, Jesus, for the anointing!


07-Why Study Miracles?

Are we studying miracles just to read a historical account?  Or are we examining them to see that this is part of our calling today?

Learn with us as the Holy Spirit encourages us to step out in faith and receive His grace to accomplish that for which we are called.  We will look to our example Jesus, the Son of Man, to learn how He walked in His calling, anointed by the Holy Spirit.


08-Covenant Promises, Covenant Love

Jesus came to earth with full knowledge of what would happen on the cross.  He also came fully confident of the Father’s covenant promise to raise Him from the dead!

He also understood the lovingkindness, the hesed, of the Lord (Psalms 107:43).

We too must understand His covenant love for us to walk in confidence both in our calling and in loving His people.  Learn the relationship between compassion and miracles in the Life of Jesus.


09-Like Precious Faith
  • Do I have enough faith?
  • How do I get faith for miracles?
  • How much faith is enough?

The Bible is clear, we must walk by faith and this walk of faith will please our Father.  Learn how faith comes and how it can increase.


10-Hindrances to Faith - Part One
  • What are the stumbling blocks placed in our way to keep our faith from working?
  • Will the devil oppose me in pursuit of faith?
  • How?

This session will begin to examine the different ways that our faith can be negatively impacted or hindered.  Learn not only how we will be tempted to doubt but how our ignorance or pretending will lead us astray.


11-Hindrances to Faith - Part Two
  • What are the stumbling blocks placed in our way to keep our faith from working?
  • Will the devil oppose me in pursuit of faith?
  • How?

In this second session on hindrances of faith, we will examine how condemnation, fear and the passage of time impacts our faith.


12-Receiving His Grace

One thing is certain, just as Jesus said it wasn’t He who did the miracles but His Father dwelling in Him, the same is true for you and me. It is only by receiving His GRACE, through the faith He has given us, that we can be involved in His miraculous works.

Thank you, Jesus, for the GRACE and TRUTH that came through you!


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