Home Series My Faith – Founded, Real and Living

My Faith – Founded, Real and Living

My Faith – Founded, Real and Living

We are to live by FAITH.

Paul wrote to the Ephesians that we are saved by grace through FAITH.

Peter referred to FAITH as precious.

Paul also wrote without FAITH; it is impossible to please God.

And Jesus asked, “When I return, will I find FAITH?”

These are just a few of the many references and instructions to us concerning faith.

We are asked, “What faith are you?”  Some are told, “You must have a lot of faith because you know so many Bible verses.”  Others believe they have faith because of their intellectual and reasoning abilities.  And many believers today are constantly examining themselves to see if they have enough faith, without a foundational understanding of what faith is.

In these teachings will see how the Word defines and describes faith.  The majority of the study will focus on the Biblical examples we have of those who are identified as living their lives by faith, including the Son of Man, our Lord Jesus.

Our goal is to live assured that our FAITH has a strong Foundation and confidence that it is Real and Living, so we are producing good fruit!

In This Series
01-Faith IS

Ever been asked, “What is your faith?”  Or told, “You are so smart you must have a lot of faith?”   Or maybe some think you have a lot of faith just because you know a lot of Bible verses.  Each question or statement reveals how little people know about Bible FAITH.

We need to learn what faith really is, how it comes, and how we use it in our daily lives.

All that GRACE provides, we receive by FAITH.

We will also find out what is not faith, and this may counter what you have been taught.


02-Abraham - Our Father of Faith

What, or who is the origin of my faith?

We are told to look to or consider the rock from which we were hewn, what is that about?  This teaching focuses on Abraham who is referred to as the father of all who have faith.

We will learn how he became a good example of one having faith for us to follow.


03-The Same Spirit of Faith
Abraham trusted God when in the natural, even when he saw no way that it could happen.  Time went by and tested that trust but Abraham continued to act as God had spoken.

How could he trust His words so fully?

Because he believed IN THE LORD.  He trusted God fully.

The Bible says we have been given that same spirit of faith that Abraham had.  Believe.  Trust.  Have Faith in the Lord.


04-Faith that Pleases and Produces

Our faith pleases God.

Abraham pleased God in believing in Him and became His friend.

True faith receives what has been promised.  It also withholds nothing from God and it obeys quickly.  Even when it involved His promised Son, He remained confident in the promise of Lord.

We too have that same spirit of faith!


05-Pretend Faith

When God’s Word seems to be speaking something different from your experiences or traditions, what do you do?  Many place more emphasis on their experiences, man’s traditions or just they just refuse to believe the Word.

  • Does this make God unfaithful? NEVER.
  • Does it negate God’s promises? NEVER.

What is real in God’s Kingdom the devil will twist and pervert.  To combat real faith, the devil will try to introduce feigned faith or pretend faith.

Acting as if one believes is not believing.  Such imitation will not produce results in God’s Kingdom.


05-Faith vs. Presumption
1 John tells us it is our Faith which overcomes and gives us the victory.  It is no wonder that our enemy does not want God’s people to walk in grace and faith.

We can’t receive based solely on what God can do.

We receive His grace THROUGH FAITH.


07-Unfounded Faith

There can be no faith unless it has a firm foundation.

You can’t believe what you haven’t heard.  You can want it badly, you can even have a true need for it, but unless you have someone’s word on it, you have no basis to believe it will be provided.


08-Word Founded Faith

F. Bosworth writes in his book Christ the Healer that “faith begins where the will of God is known.”  God’s will is revealed through His Word.

What God speaks; it comes to pass.

Faith is based on hearing from Him. It is not based on a principle or just words, but faith in the one who is the Word, Jesus.



“How do I know if I am believing and in faith?”  

That is a question I am often asked.  One sure way to tell is to listen to what you are speaking.  Real faith can be heard.

Jesus told us that our faith can be seen.  How?

Through our actions.

He saw the faith of the four who hoisted the paralytic onto the roof and lowered him down right in front of Jesus.  They believed that Jesus would heal him, and they acted on their faith, for all to see.


10-Faith that Produces

Faith that does nothing is dead. It produces nothing.

Faith that is alive and active, a living faith, produces good fruit.

Jesus told the woman who pressed through the crowd, YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WHOLE.


11-Faith that Acts

Faith that acts is faith that obtains results.

The man with the withered hand acted on what Jesus said, even when it appeared that he could not do it.  He did not just wait on Jesus.

Jesus does not withhold from us.  He has given us all things that pertain to life and to godliness.


12-The Enemies of Faith

The devil is constantly using the same bag of tricks over and over to oppose our faith.  We must be aware of his tricks.

Doubt and unbelief, strife, traditions are just a few of His tricks to oppose our faith.  Never agree with him.  Don’t believe the lies.

He has no power to stop your faith.


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