Home Series Kingdom Authority

Kingdom Authority

Kingdom Authority
A police officer holding up their hand to stop the forward movement of a tractor-trailer truck heading toward them is a great example of an individual who has NO PHYSICAL POWER to stop such a vehicle.  However, operating in their DELEGATED AUTHORITY as a representative of the government, the police officer’s uplifted hand will bring the truck to a standstill.  This delegated authority is conferred upon the officer by those ruling in the domain in which the officer operates.

As believers, we have been granted authority to operate on Jesus’ behalf in His Kingdom on earth.

In this six-session study, we will explore what the Word of God says concerning His authorization to us to represent Him in His power, authority and dominion.   In this manner, we can truly RE-PRESENT Him to mankind so that they too will come to know our King of kings!!!

In This Series
01-Kingdom of Authority
Authority is defined as the power to command or influence.  The exercise of one’s authority is limited to the domain over which he has dominion.  Jesus came declaring that the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, had come to earth.

  • What does Kingdom Authority mean?
  • What does it include?
  • How is it used?
  • Who gets to use it?
  • How is it exercised?
  • What role does man play in this?
  • Isn’t God really in control?

These questions and more will be addressed in this introductory teaching on Kingdom Authority.


02-Authority: Lost and Restored

In Genesis, God told Adam to exercise dominion over His creation.  But Adam turned this authority over to the enemy of God, the devil as he disobeyed God’s Word.

But God had a plan and His son Jesus came to take back and restore that authority to mankind.


03-Jesus Proclaimed in the Kindgom of God

The primary message that Jesus declared during His three years of ministry was that the Kingdom of God has come to the earth.  He came to restore what had been lost by Adam.  And before He ascended to the Father’s right hand, He conferred that Kingdom Authority on those who believed Him.

  • What is included in such authority of the Kingdom of God on the earth?
  • Who was He taking it from?
  • How did He do it?
  • Why did He do it?
  • What do we have to do with Kingdom Authority?

All are valid questions and will be addressed in this study as we see man restored to his original position on the earth.


04-Exercising Kingdom Authority

Man has been delegated the authority on the earth to rule.

What is delegated authority?

This session will examine men and women throughout the scripture who ruled in the authority delegated to them. Jesus also exercised this same authority prior to going to the cross.

God is looking for men with the right heart to exercise His authority today.


05-Jesus, Our Example
Our standard for exercising authority is the man Jesus.  He is the perfect example for us of one exercise the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.

We will study Jesus to see how He dealt with spiritual forces that were opposing and corrupting God’s Kingdom.  Get ready, our time has arrived.


06-Authority Restored to Mankind

Among the final words Jesus spoke before ascending to the Father were recounted in Matthew 28.

“All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” 

He immediately followed these words by telling man to

“Go therefore…(into) all nations.” 

These instructions were not solely about going, but about going in His authority; the authority he was delegating to us.  We now have our direction and the authority to fulfill this command.

Grace has given us to rule in Kingdom of Heaven Authority on this earth, just as Jesus and His early disciples did.


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