Home Series Hope Expects and Sees, Faith Sees and Receives

Hope Expects and Sees, Faith Sees and Receives

Hope Expects and Sees, Faith Sees and Receives

Hebrews 11:1 says thatFaith is the evidence of things hoped for…” while Romans, Galatians and Hebrews tell us that the just shall live by faith.  Today, what many believe about hope and faith is very different from their Biblical definition.

This study will take an in-depth look at the Biblical implications of hope and faith, both of which are dependent on love.  It will give us the spiritual and practical insight we need to walk in a manner that pleases God and receives the blessings which already belong to us.

In This Series
01-Confident, Joyful, Expectation

We are instructed to walk by faith.  We are also told that our faith is the evidence of things hoped for.  But today, many view hope as simply wishing or wanting something they don’t think is attainable.

Bible hope is totally different.

It is a confident, joyful expectation of Bible promises being fulfilled in our lives.

Learn how to change your views on hope and see your joy rise as your expectation of good increases.


02-My Hope Has an Anchor

What do you base your hope on?  How is it anchored?  If it is connected to the things of this world, then you are set for disappointment.

As Christians, the anchor of our hope is Jesus.

We will study Biblical examples of hope to refocus our life on the person of our Hope, Jesus. In doing so, our faith is made ready to receive from Him.


03-Faith or Fear
We have been given the same spirit of faith that Jesus used in His walk on this earth.  Yet our enemy works diligently to move us into something we haven’t been given, a spirit of fear.

Learn how to get full of the right spirit and stay there.  Fear inhibits our receiving God’s grace in our lives.


04-The Enemy's Plan of Attack

Have you been tempted to fear?  Or to doubt what the Word says during times of seeming pressure?

You are not alone.

The enemy has a plan to lead us to a place of fear and doubt, but he can’t do it without our cooperation. He only has one route to take and we have been given the plan and a way to counterattack. Learn about his plan and God’s plan for us to resist and watch him flee.


05-Defeating Fear
When we look at Hebrews 11’s Faith Hall of Fame, we may think that they had some SPECIAL faith or had something we don’t.  But they did not have either one.

We will look at the Children of Israel both leaving Egypt and being challenged in the wilderness, David faced with fear and discouragement, and at Paul; examining how the Lord delivered them from their fear to their place of rest.  He has provided the way for us as well.


06-Faith That Acts

Dread and fear will paralyze.  Hope and Faith energizes one to act.  We make the decision on which route to take.

Jesus is our ultimate example of how to defeat the temptation of fear and we have those same tools available to us.  We will also study others who succeeded even though they were tempted and sometimes failed.  We win if we continue to walk in the revelation the Holy Spirit provides.


07-My Life of Faith
  • What does a walk or life of faith look like?
  • How will my life be different?
  • What must I do?

In the teaching, we look to God’s Word for instruction concerning the way we are to walk and live life.  We’ll see the attributes and attitudes of one determine to live a life of faith and please our heavenly Father.

We can do it just like Jesus did!


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