Home Series Faithful to His Promises

Faithful to His Promises

Faithful to His Promises

“Not one of the good promises which the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.”  This is Joshua’s closing statement about the Lord in the 21st chapter of Joshua.  The good news is that He is just as faithful to His promises today as He was in Joshua’s day.  He doesn’t change.

Is this our expectation of our Father today? It should be and it can be!

Allow the Word of God to instruct you and build your faith as listen to these teachings.

High Point Church, Sunday Evening, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Love, Faith and Fellowship

The New Living Translation in Psalms 138:2 says “Your promises are backed by all the honor of your name.”   The psalmist is declaring that God is Faithful.

Do you see that God is equally committed to seeing His promises manifested in your life?

Learn how pursuing His love and fellowshipping with Him positions you to receive all His good promises.


02-I Trust My Father

Do you trust God’s Word?

Trust begins with knowing the one who spoke the Word, who made the promise.

We can become fully persuaded that God will do exactly what He said. We can place total trust in our Father.


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