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Archive: 2020

“He is Able to Guard”

He is Able to Guard
2 Timothy 1: 12 concludes with this phrase “for I know whom I have believed and I AM CONVINCED THAT HE IS ABLE TO GUARD THAT WHICH I HAVE ENTRUSTED TO HIM until that day." (NASB) In pondering this verse today three questions arose.
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Crowned With…

My Kingdom Authority
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one of the definitions of CORONA is “something suggesting a crown.” Most news outlets would tell us that this coronavirus is the crown jewel of all viruses and it is to be feared. While I will act with wisdom during these times, I will choose to focus on what the Bible teaches
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To Punish or To Bless?

How do you view Father's attitude toward you? Waiting for you to miss the mark so he can punish you or see Him ready to bless you, even when you miss the mark?
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Loves Me Just Like Jesus?

What is your perspective of the nature of God? How do you view His attitude toward you? Your perspective of your Heavenly Father will impact your relationship with Him.
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