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Faith in His Blood

Faith in His Blood: 02-Covenant Blood

The Hebrew word “hesed’ is integral to both mercy and covenant. It is this word that differentiates the covenants of God from what we would

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Faith in His Blood

Faith in His Blood: 01-The Blood Applied

Scripture tells us that “they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony." Learn the importance of

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 09-Reigning, Riches and Rest

Scripture is clear, the diligent will rule and reign. We must be diligent to enter His rest. These are all rewards for the

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 08-Rewards in the Way of the Diligent

See how Honor and Favor are two of the rewards. They come upon and even chase down the

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 07-The Diligent’s Reward

Is there a reward for us today for our diligence in coming to know and serving our Lord? If so, what areas of our life could be impacted? Learn

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 06-The Reward of Diligence

Is there a reward for being diligent? Scripture instructs us that “He is a REWARDER of those who DILIGENTLY seek

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 05-Diligent to the End

What does it mean when we are told to be DILIGENT TO THE END? Hebrews tell us it is when we realize fully the hope of His promises to us! Learn

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 04-Diligently Serving the Master

How would you react if the Lord told you to be ready to go on a specific assignment? And when He said ARISE and GO, would you be ready, or would

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 03-I Would But… Part Two

As we saw last week the enemy will use your flesh to oppose your pursuing diligence. In this session, we will see how procrastination can be

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The Way of Diligence

Being Found Diligent: 02-I Would But…

Ever made a decision to diligently follow the Word of God yet something happens, and you fall short of your aspiration? You have an enemy that

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