Home Prayer


24 Mar 2021

A Valiant and Skillful Warrior: 02 – Seeing Myself as His Valiant and Skillful Warrior

James’ letter to the church states “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” Do you see yourself in this verse?

David writes in Psalm 8 that our praise will “make the enemy and the revengeful cease.” The same question concerning myself; does my praise make the enemy cease?

How you see yourself in Christ Jesus will impact your prayers and your praise!!

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17 Mar 2021

A Valiant and Skillful Warrior: 01-A Valiant and Skillful Warrior

An angel told Daniel, “I have come because of your words.” Do you see yourself as an effective prayer, where angels or answers come as a result of your words, your prayers?

If not, this session is for you! This is who we as believers are to be!

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02 Sep 2020

If My People…With Confidence

It seems to me that every four years I see people turning much more frequently to 2nd Chronicles 7: 14 and praying this verse concerning our nation. But in recent years and especially in this election year, it appears to me that many are reciting these words but not declaring this verse in faith nor confidence.

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