Home Peace


05 May 2021

Life in the Family Name: 05-His Ever Increasing Peace

Jesus told His disciples that they never had to be troubled or worried! Do we believe this is true for us as well?

In the book of Judges, the Holy Spirit recorded Gideon’s building an altar to God declaring THE LORD IS PEACE!!

The Lord has revealed His Name is Jehovah-Shalom!

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10 Mar 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 10-My Place of Peace and Rest

We have a promise that when we seek the Lord, He will deliver us from all our fears.

How can I possibly walk in this?

Our flesh may be troubled, and thoughts may come into my mind but that does not mean I have lost the battle.

He has given us promise that we can enter into His peace and rest, our position in His love.

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03 Mar 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 09-The Spirit of Faith

Scripture tells us that we have been given the SAME SPIRIT of FAITH. Whose faith is Paul referring to in this verse to the Corinthians?

It is the same FAITH that will enable us to overcome the spirit of fear!

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