Home Series Willing and Obedient

Willing and Obedient

Willing and Obedient

I vividly remember stopping by the nursery one Wednesday night at church to speak to a friend, when they asked if I would mind staying to help them because those scheduled were unable to come.  I said yes but was not pleased to do it.

It was that evening that the Lord taught the importance of being both willing and obedient.

High Point Church, Sunday Evening, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-My Response to His Grace

We have a promise that “if we are willing and obedient, we will eat the best of the land.”

Does the Father want me to be obedient out of fear of punishment?  Or am I to be obedient as a willing response to His love?

Am I partaking of the best of the land?


02-I Am Not Alone

Scripture tells us that we are to work out our salvation in fear and trembling.

What does that mean to you?

The good news is that He is working with us, so we are not on this journey by ourselves.  We have the living Word and the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.  You are not alone!


03-The Willingness of Love

Can you remember a time where your parents asked you to perform a task and you did it, just because they made you?  This is not a willingness.

Willingness is your love response to honor and to please the one you love.

Jesus’s willingness took Him to the Cross.


04-Obedience in His Love

“How do I know that I truly love Jesus?”

I am often asked this valid question as the world always sees love with feelings and emotions involved.  Jesus Himself gave us this answer.

If we love Him, then we will be obedient to His Word.


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