Home Series Walking in the Love of God

Walking in the Love of God

Walking in the Love of God
I John 4:8 states that God is love.”  Love is not just something God has; it is WHO HE IS!  I Corinthians 13 also reveals this God-kind of love as even greater than hope or faith and as a love that never fails.  Ephesians tells us to walk, or conduct our lives, in this God-kind of love!  We must come to know this love if we are to love with it!

In this study, we will look in-depth at what the Word says about:

  • God’s love for me
  • My Love for God
  • Loving myself
  • Loving my neighbors as myself
  • My covenant love for fellow believers

Jesus tells us that we should love our brethren exactly as He has loved us.  It is a love that the world does not comprehend.  He goes on to say this will be the greatest witness that we are His disciples.

Walking in this love is essential for a believer.  It is necessary if we are to live the victorious life available to us through His grace.  His love energizes our faith, so a walk of faith requires walking in love.

We examine His Word to learn to walk in this God-kind of love so that we please Him!

In This Series
01-Loved by God to Love

God is Love.

It is not something He has or possesses; it is WHO HE IS.

You might say that we are Loved by Love Himself.  And as we are created in His nature, He expects us to walk in love toward others just as Jesus did.

It starts by receiving His love so I can walk in love toward Him and the people He has created.


02-God's Love for Me - Part One
God’s love is a giving love and He gave Jesus for us.  That gift speaks to the depth of His love for mankind.

The Old Testament translates the Hebrew word hesed as loving-kindness.  It can be also described as a covenant love in which He has committed Himself, His love and goodness, to man.

God loves ME.


03-God's Love for Me - Part Two

God has committed Himself to man, both His love and goodness, in a covenant relationship.  To do so when both parties love each other can be understood.  But God did this while we were still sinners, not loving Him at all.

This revelation of the depth and the unfailing nature of His love will set you free.  Become established in His love and you will begin your own walk of Love.


04-My Love for God

You were created by the God of Love for relationships.  Let that sink in, the God of this universe loves you, created you for a relationship with Him.

Loving Him with my entire being must be my top priority.  It energizes my faith.  My love for Him will result in my obedience to His Word.

I love Him because He first loved me. 


05-Loving Myself in Him

The Word tells us that we are to love others as we love ourselves. To be candid, I would not want many people to love me given the way they see themselves.

What is your identity?

We have been made the righteousness of God IN CHRIST. That means He becomes our identity. All we have is in Him.

You are valuable and loved. That is how we are to love others…by His love.


06-Loving My Neighbor and My Brother

Jesus paid the price for all men to be saved.  Should we not also see all men in the same light?  We are to love our neighbor because we see their potential as a member of Christ’s body.

Jesus said that if we love our brother in Christ just as He loved us, it will be the greatest possible witness to the world. God’s love has been placed in us.  We have the command and we have His love.

Love as He loves.


07-Love's Actions - Part One

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

His love working in us will lead us to give of our selves sacrificially as we do His will.  Exercising love will produce an increase of love just as our faith grows through our using it.


08-Love's Actions - Part Two

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

As we walk in God’s love, we will show honor and preference to others as we submit ourselves to His plan.  And like Jesus, we will give of ourselves as we set aside our own desires just as Jesus laid down His own life for us.


09-Love's Actions - Part Three

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

The love of God working in us causes us to exhibit tender loving care for others as just as God instructed us concerning widows.  Love exhibited will also build up or edify others and at the same time will also cause growth in our being.


10-Love's Actions - Part Four

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

The Bible clearly states that His love at work in us will cover a multitude of sins of our brothers instead of exposing it for all to see.

God’s agape love forgives others just as He has forgiven us.


11-Love's Actions - Part Five

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

In exercising forgiveness in His love, we demonstrate mercy, just as He is merciful to us.  And so that we will not be judged, we can walk in His love not judging others.

We will reap what we sow.


12-Love's Actions - Part Six

God was moved by His love to create man.  His Love for man moved Him to sow His Son so that man could once again be a son.  That same love is working in us and manifests in actions through us.

God’s love manifested will keep us from doing wrong or harm to one another.  Because the love we have for one another is His love, our love for another will never end.


13-Loving God, Not the World

How I love God’s people is a direct reflection of my Love for God Himself.  His command to love is made possible by His grace to us.

It is only by His grace that I can love the things of God and not come into agreement with the things of this world.

  • Thank God for His Grace.
  • Thank God for His Love FOR ME.


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