Home Series The Power of MY Words

The Power of MY Words

The Power of MY Words
In the 1st Chapter of Genesis, we see that God spoke and light was.  Seven more times we see “Then God said…” and creation, including man, was complete.  It is obvious that His Words contained great power!!

I am created in His image and likeness.

What does this imply about my words? 
Are my words important? 
Do they make a difference? 
Do I believe what I speak?
These are important questions and in this study, we will examine the value of our words and how they influence my life.  What we say matters!
In This Series
01-My Words Can Make a Difference

It is critical to note that if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He was raised from the dead, then when we confess our beliefs, we are saved.   Believing and speaking, and there is nothing the devil can do to stop it!

Why then do many believe that our words don’t matter?

Learn how to value the words we speak and see them produce life as they line up with God’s Word.


02-Control of My Tongue
Have you spoken words that you wish you could take back?  Or done things that you wish you hadn’t?  The two are related!

The Bible tells us that if a person can learn to control their tongue, THEN they can learn to control their whole body!!

This session will examine scriptures that provide us with spiritual strength to control our tongue.  With His power and grace, we can use it to speak blessing and life, not to curses and death.


03-The Words of My Mouth

When my heart is filled with the Word of God, the force of faith is activated in my life as they are spoken.  We are to live life just like we were born again.

  • Believing
  • Speaking

This teaching will focus on the words that I speak, learning to speak in agreement with God’s words.  We will see the examples in both the Old and New Testaments of men who lived this way.  You can as well!


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