Home Series Receiving from God

Receiving from God

Receiving from God
Many questions seem to arise as we are believing God for healing.

What does receiving really mean?

How can I be better at receiving?

What is hindering or stopping my receiving?

These and other questions concerning receiving will be addressed.

By grace through faith!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA


In This Series
01-Guarding Your Heart
What does the Bible mean when it says we are to receive?

How do I guard my heart?

Does what I look at and hear really impact me?

Learn how to take control of the gates of your and ears.  That is essential in guarding your heart.


02-Faith in His Power for Me

I know God has power.  Will He use it for me?

We are made to be partakers of the good Word of God and of His power.  Taste and see that the Lord is good.


03- Seeing Myself in His Promises

As you read God’s Word, do you see the promises as being available to us today?  Do you see that His promises of healing are yours by grace?

See your healing in the stripes on His back!

Those stripes are what purchased your healing.  Healing is yours to receive.


04-God's Promises, My Inheritance
We have an inheritance and healing is included in it!  To inherit is to receive a right or divine portion.  As Israel did with the land, now is our time to act on our inheritance.


05-A Living Hope for My Miracle

Joshua was told to take courage.  It certainly takes courage to expect the best.  His best, in every area of life, is my living hope.  My hope for healing is anchored in Jesus.

He healed them all!


06-My Miracle - Do What He Says

What do we do when we find ourselves needing a miracle?

We may begin by trying to believe and to build our faith.  However, in doing this we often skip this most significant first step…hearing from God.

Hear from God, then believe which also means to act on what He said, and then watch as the Father does the works.


07-My Miracle - Believe, Rejoice, Obtain
I’ve heard His work on the matter and I’ve acted on it.

Now is the time to REJOICE!

Rejoicing and giving thanks is the bridge between Faith and Receiving.


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