Home Series Our Blood Covenant

Our Blood Covenant

Our Blood Covenant

In the second chapter of the letter to the Ephesians, Paul reminds the people that before they believed they were:                                           -Separate from Christ               -Alienated from the   commonwealth of Israel        -Strangers to the covenants of promise                                -Without hope                           -Without God

The Complete Jewish Bible describes them as “foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise.”

But God, through the blood of the Son of His love, made a way for us to be brought near, in the family and in the covenant.

Sadly, the concept of covenant is still foreign to many believers today.  Many in the church today are not able to see or value covenant; thus, they don’t fully participate in their covenant relationship with the Lord.

Psalms 25:14 says, “The friendship of Jehovah is with them that fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.” (ASV)

Understanding the concept of covenant, covenant relationship, His covenant love and His covenants of promise is essential to grasp all that Jesus and the cross provide us.

Zechariah 9:11 says concerning us, “As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.”

This verse from the prophet instructs us that the entire basis of our salvation (and all that salvation encompasses) is the blood of God’s covenant.

We look to His word and allow the Holy Spirit to show us the fullness of Our Blood Covenant.

In This Series
01-No Longer Excluded from the Covenant

By the blood of Jesus, we have been made righteous and brought into the Kingdom of His dear Son.  We who were strangers to His covenants are now partakers of His covenant love and promises.  As beloved members of His family, it is critical that we know the promises and privileges of our covenant.

Now we are with God and we have hope!


02-The Covenant Blood

Without the shed blood of Jesus, there would be no remission for our sins and no covenant promises available to us.  Scripture tells us that the life is in the blood.

Our life is now identified with the covenant blood that Jesus gave for you and me.  By that precious blood, we have been redeemed, made to be in right standing with God and placed in His family, to live the God kind of life.


03-Hesed and Covenant Exchanges

Why would the Father give the blood of His Son for you and me?

Because of His covenant love for mankind, because of His hesed, the Hebrew word for mercy and lovingkindness.

We must understand the depth of the love represented in the word hesed appreciate the cutting of covenant. Only then can we begin to understand what great exchanges were offered to us in this covenant relationship that we have in Christ Jesus.


04-Covenant Exchanges

God exchanged the blood of His Son for you and me.  In our covenant promises much more has also been made available to us in these great exchanges.

See what has been given to you today, what is yours through the covenant exchanges:  His Name, the sign of the covenant and our covenant meal are just a few.


05-David and Jonathan's Covenant

David and Jonathan were good friends, but they became Covenant Friends as they cut or made a covenant with each other.

We can see ourselves in our New Covenant as we learn how this covenant impacted their lives.  We can also see how this covenant was an everlasting covenant as David extended covenant kindness to a descendant of Jonathan, who had nothing to offer in return to the King.


06-Abraham's Covenant - The Promise of Jesus - Part One

In God’s covenant with Abraham, we see THE PROMISE OF JESUS.  In this covenant, His plan for our redemption is revealed.  We’ll see how covenant promises made to Abraham have become ours today.

See God’s covenant blessing extended to Abraham as he began to follow God’s instruction.  See how this covenant of grace was extended to Abraham through faith in God.  And we will see a type and shadow of the world and of Jesus in two of Abraham’s sons.


07-Abraham's Covenant - The Promise of Jesus - Part Two

In God’s covenant with Abraham, we see THE PROMISE OF JESUS. In this covenant, His plan for our redemption is revealed.  We’ll see how covenant promises made to Abraham have become ours today.

See God’s covenant blessing extended to Abraham as he began to follow God’s instruction.  See how this covenant of grace was extended to Abraham through faith in God.  And we will see a type and shadow of the world and of Jesus in two of Abraham’s sons.


08-Abraham's Covenant - The Promise of Jesus - Part Three

In God’s covenant with Abraham, we see THE PROMISE OF JESUS. In this covenant, His plan for our redemption is revealed. We’ll see how covenant promises made to Abraham have become ours today.

See God’s covenant blessing extended to Abraham as he began to follow God’s instruction. See how this covenant of grace was extended to Abraham through faith in God. And we will see a type and shadow of the world and of Jesus in two of Abraham’s sons.


09-Mosaic Law - The Picture of Jesus - Part One

What was the Mosaic Law and the Old Covenant? How were they related? What was their purpose? The are but a few of the questions that need to be answered.

We’ll see how it established God’s standard for righteousness, holiness and goodness for both Israel and the world. You will also see it identified sin and the source of sin.

And finally, we will see the PICTURE OF JESUS in this portion of God’s Word. It reveals our separation from God, the futility of man’s works to earn right standing with God, the need for atonement of sins and the necessity of a substitute for mankind.


10-Mosaic Law - The Picture of Jesus - Part Two

What was the Mosaic Law and the Old Covenant?  How were they related?  What was their purpose?  They are but a few of the questions that need to be answered.

We’ll see how it established God’s standard for righteousness, holiness and goodness for both Israel and the world.  You will also see it identified sin and the source of sin.

And finally, we will see the PICTURE OF JESUS in this portion of God’s Word.  It reveals our separation from God, the futility of man’s works to earn right standing with God, the need for atonement of sins and the necessity of a substitute for mankind.


11-The New Covenant - The Person of Jesus

In the previous covenants, we saw The Promise of Jesus and The Picture of Jesus.  In our New Covenant, we see The Person of Jesus exhibiting His Father.  We see Him become our covenant representative.  We see Jesus as God’s Grace coming to the earth bringing freedom and doing away with sin and its condemnation, our new and better Covenant.


12-The Cross

Take this journey to the Cross of Calvary with Jesus.  See your Lamb revealed in His final Passover meal with His disciples through His betrayal and sufferings and death on the Cross.  Then rejoice as He is resurrected and then seated at the right hand of the Father!

See your King seated on His throne.


13-New and Better Covenant - Part One

We need to continually remind ourselves of what we must partake of in our new and better covenant.

  • A covenant we could not earn.
  • A covenant we did not deserve.
  • A covenant of both mercy and grace.

These final two sessions will examine seven key areas that position you and me in the New Covenant which Jesus purchased for us and brought us into in Him.

Made a joint heir with Him, how could it be any better?!!


14-New and Better Covenant - Part Two

We need to continually remind ourselves of what we must partake of in our new and better covenant.

  • A covenant we could not earn.
  • A covenant we did not deserve.
  • A covenant of both mercy and grace.

These final two sessions will examine seven key areas that position you and me in the New Covenant which Jesus purchased for us and brought us into in Him.

Made a joint heir with Him, how could it be any better?!!


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