Home Series Living as an Overcomer

Living as an Overcomer

Living as an Overcomer

We are prone to see an overcomer as someone who has been a believer for a long time and has fought many battles.

In truth, the Word tells us in      1 John 4:4 that we became an overcomer when we were born again and the Holy Spirit took up residence in us.

“Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

It’s God’s Spirit dwelling in you makes you an overcomer.  It’s our time!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Overcoming By the Blood

The Bible declares that life is in the blood and our life is identified with the shed blood of Jesus.

Do you see your life identified with Him?

We can be assured that we continue to overcome by the blood of the lamb and testify what Jesus has done for us.


02-In the Name of Jesus

The words “in the name of Jesus” is not just a phrase we use to close our prayers.  It is actually invoking all that Jesus did and is.

When we use the Name of Jesus, that Name above all names, we are legally exercising His authority and all that the person of Jesus represents.


03-Set Free Ministering to the Lord

What do you do in the darkest of hours that life brings to us?

It is a time to proclaim the victory that Jesus won and praise Him for what He has completed for us.

Throughout scripture God’s people ministered to Him in praise and worship, noting His instruction that the battle was His, not theirs.  He changes not.


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