Home Series Jesus – My Redeemer and My Identity

Jesus – My Redeemer and My Identity

Jesus – My Redeemer and My Identity

How do you see yourself?  Do you see yourself as valuable?  Do you realize that how you see yourself is often based on what you believe and think about God?

When Jesus was born, the angels came proclaiming GOOD NEWS, declaring that our Savior was born AND that God had declared peace between heaven and earth.  His goodwill, His plan of redemption for ME was being disclosed.  This plan is a result of the value He placed on me! So valuable that He sent the most precious possession He had, His own Son.

Jesus is my Redeemer.

This revelation should also be the basis of my identity!!

See God’s plan for mankind as we study man’s journey from creation to treason and then watch our creator put in place His redemptive plan for His man.  See His plan unfolded through Abraham, Isaac, the children of Israel through the cross of our Lord Jesus.  See yourself, your value in His redeeming us from sin and death.

In This Series
01-The Need for a Redeemer

Do you see yourself as valuable to God?

You are!  You may ask “How could I possibly be of value to God?”

To understand this value we need to look back to creation and see the honor and glory with which He crowned man.  How highly valued they were to our Father.  Yet, their act of treason created our need for a redeemer in this first session on His redemptive plan.


02-The Redemptive Breakthrough Begins

Quite a mess manifested after Adam sinned.  Not only did man’s relationship with His creator change, but so did his identity.  Condemned. Fearful.  And unable to fellowship intimately with his creator.  Sound familiar?

But God.  But God began immediately to work on His plan to redeem him from the curse of sin. God began to reach out to a man, whom He called, to bless him so that he might be a blessing to all mankind.  And He made a covenant of blood with him to affirm this statement.

God’s plan was now established in the earth.  See how He used Abram to become a father both to a nation and to all who would believe in this second session on His redemptive plan.


03-A Covenant People Redeemed

God’s covenant people were hopelessly enslaved in Egypt, but our God of hope had not forgotten His covenant with Abraham.  Man, today may sense this same hopelessness but our Redeemer has already come.

In this third session, we will revisit God’s selection of Moses to redeem His people from Egypt and deliver them completely from the bondage of sin.

See how they left healthy and with great wealth!!


04-My Redeemer Revealed in Types and Shadows

For forty years the Children of Israel wandered in the deserts.  Over and over they rebelled against God, disavowing His commitment of goodness to them.  Yet time after time He provided a way of escape from the resulting judgments they brought on themselves.

See Jesus our Redeemer, revealed on three occasions as their provider, their healer and as the giver of His presence in this fourth session on Redemption.


05-Redemption Declared Finished

Jesus’s last words on the cross we “It is finished.”  Still many ask what was finished?  What should those words mean to me?

The Lord used the prophet Isaiah to declare for us exactly what would take place on the Cross of Christ over 700 years before it occurred.  It is as if He gave us an x-ray view of what man would see physically as Jesus became our redeemer.  See what He purchased for us in this fifth session on the redemptive plan of the Lord.


06-The Cross - The Journey and The Crucifixion

We often see the pictures of Jesus hanging on the cross but the crucifixion was only one part of a much longer journey to the cross.  And gloriously the cross was not the end.  He is risen.

This sixth session on the Redemptive plan examines each step that Jesus took from the Garden to the Jewish religious leaders to the government of the Gentiles.  We will see all He suffered for us. And joyously we will celebrate His victory over death as He arose as our Redeemer and our Identity.


07-My Identity
  • Is it important how I view myself?
  • How should I view myself?
  • Where should my identity come from?

In this session, we will answer each question as we learn that our identity should not be based on our experiences or what we have become.  Our identity can change and you will learn how to see yourself as the Father sees you.  You will learn that your identity is based on who you are IN JESUS CHRIST.

See yourself as more than a conqueror.


08-A Plan for Our Lives
  • Does God really have a plan for my life?
  • My life has been a mess, can this change?
  • Can I change?

If you have been born again, the major change has already taken place.  Learn in this teaching that God does have a plan for you, a really good plan.  See who you have become as you were born again; you are a new creation.

Discover the REAL YOU!


09-The Renewed Mind: My New Identity

Where do I start on this journey of my new life? 

That is a very good question and the answer is THE WORD OF GOD.

The most important process we can begin after we are born again is to renew our mind; that is changing my thinking so that I began to conform to the same pattern of thinking as my Father.


There is good news, you don’t have to do it by yourself.  The Spirit of God now dwells in you and He will be the one who reveals His Word to you.  Learn how to begin and thrive in this process as you replace old ways of thinking with His new thoughts!!  Exciting times are ahead.


10-A Larger Heart

As you begin the study of God’s word you may find yourself saying “But I was taught this” or “That is not the way life seemed to go for me!”  You are right!  But change has come.

Learn how to open your heart to the Word and to His Holy Spirit as you began to see God reveal Himself and His Nature to you. See how others before you learned and declared, “I shall run the way of Thy commandments, for Thou will enlarge my heart.” You will begin to grow more than you ever dreamed possible.



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