Home Series In Love as His Son

In Love as His Son

In Love as His Son

As a man thinks, so He is.

We are all familiar with that scripture, but do we realize the impact of this statement.  What you think about yourself determines who you are.  You might say that what you think about yourself determines your own identity.

The Word of God is clear – our identity is to be IN CHRIST JESUS.  Is this how you see yourself?

Loved by the Father as a son.

High Point Church, Sunday Evening, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-My Identity in His Love

Where is your identity?

In your earthly family?  In your nationality?  Or your ethnic background?  Or maybe your job?

When you are born again, your identity must change to reflect your new nature.  Let His love for you become the basis of your identity.

Your identity is in Jesus.


02-My Identity - Sonship
Jesus was first called the “only begotten of the Father.” Is this where I look to find my identity?

Jesus is also called “the firstborn of the dead” following His resurrection. Recognize that you were also raised with Him.

This is my born-again identity!


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