Home Series Identification with Christ Jesus

Identification with Christ Jesus

Identification with Christ Jesus

Identification with Christ JesusActs 17: 28 speaking to believers instructs us that “In Him, we live and move and have our being.”  Another translation says, “We live and move and exist.” 

Living life in Him is to be our identity and who we are!  What glorious instruction!

How do you see yourself? 

What do you think about yourself?

Proverbs tells us that “As a man thinks, so he is.”  Now is the time to develop an identity in Jesus based on His love, His covenant and the resulting union with have in Him.

In This Series
01-My Identity in Christ Jesus
We hear that our identity is to be in Christ Jesus, but is this truly the way we see ourselves?  Or is our identity formed more from our life experiences and circumstances than from God’s Word?

Is my life identified more with my earthly family or my nationality or even my race? God’s word sets the standard for our identity and none of the others should take the top spot.

Learn how to acknowledge and model “every good thing inside you in Christ Jesus.”


02-Seeing My Identity in His Love
All that I have received and will receive from the Lord is based on His love for me!  His love toward me is unending and complete… I have no reason to strive for Him to love me more.

It is important that I see myself as described in Song of Solomon 7: 10.

“I am my beloved’s and His desire is for me.”


03-My Identity in Union with Him

For me, the pinnacle of His grace flowing from the cross is that the Father loves me so much that He would place His Holy Spirit in me!!  And not just place it in my spirit but would form a union whereby we are made one spirit!!

It’s not just taking up a couple of nights with us, as we might do visiting a hotel. He has taken up permanent residency! Never to leave us nor forsake us.


04-Seeing My Identity in the Blessing and in Christ Jesus

The Blessing!

It began with the first words Adam heard as God blessed Him.  It continued with Abraham and on to Isaac.  The blessing of the Lord was SEEN by men; King Abimelech told Isaac “we have certainly seen that the Lord is with you.”

THE BLESSING was also upon Jesus, with whom we are in union. We need to see ourselves in that same light.


05-Seeing Myself in the Covenant

Ephesians 2 tells us that we at one time were “strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God.”

But by the blood of Christ, we now partake in His covenant!  My life has been identified with His blood!

Have you seen yourself in the covenant and its promises?


06-Living in God's Kindgom with Jesus

Our life in Christ, living is His Kingdom, is a life lived in Covenant Relationship.

Mephibosheth, Jonathon’s son had to learn to live in the blessings or promises of the Covenant that his dad made with King David.  He had nothing to offer David yet covenant kindness flowed greatly toward him.

We too sit at the King’s table as a son. It is time to partake of our Father’s covenant kindness.


07-Living a Life of Faith - Part One
The word tells us, “As He is, so are we in this world.”  This is not our identity when we arrive in heaven.  This is who we are today.  Thus, it must be my identity today.

So how do I live and partake of the covenant?

By grace through faith.  We are to live the same way we received His saving grace, Believing and Speaking!


08-Living a Life of Faith - Part Two

We have a person to model our life after, one whose life was lived well in the Kingdom. Jesus.

Learn how to live a life of faith and how we can overcome the enemy’s opposition toward us.

“It is time to rejoice as we have access by faith into this grace wherein, we stand…”


09-Living Faith Yields Effective Prayers - Part One

How would you describe an effective prayer?

To listen to many who pray you might perceive it’s about how long they pray; or how loud they pray, or maybe how many they get to pray with them.  It’s as if we need a crowbar to pry the promise from the hand of the Lord.

It’s time that we have the results of our petitions. That is an effective prayer.


10-Living Faith Yields Effective Prayers - Part Two - Examples
Many of us learn through observing the actions of others.  God has graced us with many examples of faith-filled prayers in His Word.

Learn how being led of the Spirit we can hear from God, speak His Word and watch Him work.

Living faith produces effective prayers; prayers that bring results and glorify God!


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