Home Series Healing Miracles of Jesus – FOR TODAY

Healing Miracles of Jesus – FOR TODAY

Healing Miracles of Jesus – FOR TODAY

The Book of John says that if all the miracles Jesus did were recorded, the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. (John 21:25)  This raises the question what does this mean to us today?  Are these types of miracles possible today?  Absolutely.

This study will examine each of Jesus’ healing miracles recorded in the Gospels by the Holy Spirit, specifically for us.

We will look in detail at circumstances surrounding each miracle, Jesus’ ministry to each person, and how each recipient responded to His words and actions to receive His Healing Grace.

In doing so, we pray that we might receive more revelation both to minister and to receive that same healing grace today.

In This Series
01-The Leper and the Man with the Withered Hand

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven.  It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind.  It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • An Introduction to this Series
  • The Healing of the Leper in Matthew 8, Luke 5 and Mark 1
  • The Man with the Withered Hand in Matthew 12, Mark 3 and Luke 6


02-The Nobleman's Son and Peter's Wife's Mother

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Nobleman’s Son in John 4
  • Peter’s Wife’s Mother in Matthew 8, Mark 1 and Luke 4


03-Two Blind Men and the Blind Men Near Jericho

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • Two Blind Men in Matthew 9
  • The Blind Men near Jericho in Matthew 20 and Luke 8


04-The Ten Lepers and the Man Born Blind
The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind.


It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Ten Lepers in Luke 17
  • The Man Born Blind in John 9


05-The Woman with the Issue of Blood and Jairus's Daughter

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Woman with the Issue of Blood in Matthew 9, Luke 8 and Mark 5
  • Jairus’s Daughter in Matthew 9, Luke 8 and Mark 5


06-The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity and the Syrophoenician's Daughter

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity in Luke 13
  • The Syrophoenician Woman’s Daughter in Matthew 15 and Mark 


07-The Blind Man from Bethsaida and Lazarus Being Raised from the Dead

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Blind Man of Bethsaida in Mark 8
  • Lazarus Being Raised from the Dead in John 11


08-The Centurion's Servant and the Man with the Lunatic Son

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Centurion’s Servant in Matthew 8 and Luke 4
  • The Man with the Lunatic Son in Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9


09-The Man at the Pool of Bethesda, the Deaf and Dumb Man and Raising the Dead in Nain

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Man at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5
  • The Deaf and Dumb Man in Mark 7
  • The Son of the Widow Raised from the Dead in Nain in Luke 7


10-The Ear of the Slave, the Man with Dropsy and the Man Borne by Four

The book of Acts teaches us that all that Jesus began to do and teach did not cease with His departure from heaven. It continued through the apostles and until today through His gift of the Holy Spirit to mankind. It is as if the book of Acts, of Jesus through His Holy Spirit continues today.

These sessions will provide us insight into both receiving healing from the Lord Jesus and in ministering healing to others through the work of the Spirit.

This session includes:

  • The Ear of the Slave of Malchus in Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 9
  • The Man with Dropsy in Luke 14
  • The Man Borne by Four in Matthew 9, Mark 2 and Luke 5


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