Home Series Happening Faith

Happening Faith

Happening Faith
The Bible gives us many examples of people coming to Jesus boldly.  Why were they able to do that?  Because they had heard what He had done and became convinced that He would do the same for them.

Boldness is confidence in His Word, His Person.

The same Greek word is translated boldness and confidence.  This is who we are to be.  This is Happening Faith!

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Bold in What I Believe

“I’m just not a bold person.”

I’ve had people tell me “I’m just not a bold person,” and being honest, that is the way I saw myself.  But the tells me I am to be bold!

The Lord showed me that boldness was not solely a character trait but being confident in His ability to deliver on His promises.  This can be you!


02-The Throne, Where Grace Originates

We know we receive from the Lord by grace through faith.  Where do we find that grace?  In the person of Jesus.

We are also told to come boldly to the throne of grace.  When we know we are in Him, we will be confident to access what is ours.

Healing belongs to you!


03-A Carrier of His Glory

Do you see yourself as a carrier of His Glory?  Jesus does!

Jesus, the Word, the Glory of God dwells in you and me!  We carry His Glory in this earthen vessel.  It is time for you and me to speak His Word and let His glory manifest!


04-Declaring What You Believe

God spoke “Light be” and light is.

The prophets spoke of Jesus and Mary affirmed it by saying “Let it be unto me according to Your word” and conceived.  Jesus spoke, the apostles spoke and the Word of the Lord was manifested.  We are those today who are to declare His word such that His Glory is manifested.


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