Home Series Fulfilled in His Presence

Fulfilled in His Presence

Fulfilled in His Presence
We all want to hear from the Master, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  But we were first created for His pleasure, for His desire to have a family to love and to enjoy their fellowship.  At times, we get so focused on just getting to heaven that we don’t take advantage of truly getting to know our good and gracious Father while we bask in His love.

It is only through our fellowship with Him that we learn His unique plan for our lives.  That fellowship includes:

Time with him in His Word
Times of praise and worship

Times of just being quiet before Him.

It is in these times that we see our true identity in Jesus and learn of His purpose in this life as sons and daughters.

His grace for salvation and all it brings is free but there is a cost to us to mature and accomplish what He purposes for us.  That price is small when compared to the eternal rewards that are to be received.  A life lived in His love and will is worth the cost.

In This Series
01-Created for His Pleasure

Do you realize that you were created for the pleasure of God?

When Adam sinned and lost that fellowship, God put a plan in place where it could be restored!

Many are satisfied with a “ticket” to heaven, but we can only achieve real pleasure as we grow to intimately know (fellowship with) Him.

In His presence is fullness of joy!


02- My Unique Purpose
We have all asked why I was created or what is MY purpose in life.  And we do need to know.  But our first objective is to know Him.  It will always be our top priority to continually be in His presence.

When you stay in His presence, your unique purpose or calling will become known.


03-Pursuing His Presence

Can you imagine speaking to God face to face?

The Bible says, “The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.”

Moses was in the presence of God numerous times, yet He still asked to see more of His glory?  He wanted to know His ways, His thoughts, not just see His works.  Moses recognized the value of being in God’s presence.


04-Called to Reign

Do you go through life allowing the circumstances of the world to have dominion over you?  God’s Word says we have victory through our Lord Jesus.

Have you received an abundance of GRACE and the gift of righteousness?  If so, the Bible declares that you are called to reign in this earth through the One, Christ Jesus.  As a man thinks, so He is!

See yourself as victorious, reigning with Jesus today.


05-My Identity in Jesus

1 John 4:17 instructs us that “As He is, so are we, in this world.”

John is telling us as Jesus is today, so are we, TODAY, in THIS WORLD.

We died with Jesus; we have been made alive with Jesus; we have been raised with Him; we are seated with Him.  TODAY.

Our life is hidden in Him.  See yourself as He sees you.

He is to be my identity.


06-Freed from Sin

Do you call yourself “a sinner save by grace?”  Or do you see yourself as a new creation having been set free from sin?

Remember, the “old” you died with Jesus, and dead men don’t sin.

Right thinking declares, “I am no longer a sinner; I was a sinner but now I have been set free from sin by His grace.

This is living with Jesus as your identity.


07-Put on Jesus

Where or on what have you set your mind?

Is it on yourself, the flesh and the law?  Or is it set on the spirit and the grace He delivers to you?

One keeps us in bondage, the other has set us free from the bondage of sin and death.  Choose Life!  It is the person of Jesus who has set us free from this body of death.  Put on Jesus.


08-A Sacrifice of Love

Jesus poured out His blood as he gave His life for you; a sacrifice of love.  We are called to offer bodies as a living sacrifice; we do this by being available for His purposes.  It too is a sacrifice of love.

It is interesting to note that one of the words for sacrifice in the Hebrew means “to draw near.”  Part of our living sacrifice is to draw near in fellowship with Him.

It is well worth the cost. 


09-Jesus is Worth it All

There is a cost to serving Jesus.  He established your value with His costly, precious blood.  And so the question, how much do you value Jesus?

You establish His value; you set the price you are willing to pay to serve Him.

He gave ALL.

What am I willing to give to serve Him according to His purposes for my life?

There is a price to pay to serve Him.  It is your decision.


10-Thank You for the Cross

Everything changed with the cross!

  • Sin was defeated.
  • We became a new being, as we believed.
  • The fellowship between God and man was restored.
  • We have received power to fulfilling His unique calling on our life.

As we fellowship with Him our identity changes and His purpose for us is revealed.  Now is our time to serve Him with great joy.


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