Home Series Entering Into His Rest

Entering Into His Rest

Entering Into His Rest
I have experienced times in my pursuit of healing where I wasn’t sure if I was fighting, standing or resting.

Learn how we can fight and stand for our healing more effectively as we learn to enter into his rest.

The war is over.


High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Fighting, Standing and Resting

Am I fighting the good fight of faith or standing in faith? 

Or should I be in a place of rest?

In Jesus, is our place of rest.  He urges us to enter that place to receive all that He accomplished for us.


02-Resting in His Completed Work
It’s time to rest, but it is a rest not because we are tired, but because He has already won the victory?

By His stripes we were healed?  

The work is finished.


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