Home Series As My Soul Prospers

As My Soul Prospers

As My Soul Prospers
3 John 2 is a favorite verse of many but most focus solely on the first part, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health.”  Then John adds, Just as your soul prospers.”  

If we want prosperity and health, we must possess a prosperous soul.

What does a prosperous soul look like?

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-My Mind Renewed

Do you think and speak of healing as Jesus and Word do?  Are we so convinced of correct thinking that we also act on it?

As a man thinks, so he is.  And out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks.  Listen to your words.


02-My Will and Emotions Aligned

Scripture tells us that the Word implanted is able to save our soul.  It will impact your soul such that your will is aligned with the Word and your emotions react according to the Word of the Lord.

With a renewed mind, our soul is then able to receive from our spirit all that God has for us.


03-Hope Abounds in a Prosperous Soul

With soul and spirit in agreement, hope, that confident and joyful expectation will abound.  As we look to the person of our hope, Jesus, our soul is anchored in a living hope.  A prosperous soul will cause you to prosper and be in good health.


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